Make it happen

Make it happen

Thro my eyes

Monday, 21 November 2011

Sense or Sensibility

Have you ever wondered why sometimes each day  feels like its been churned from the same big deja vu! From the moment we learn to comprehend we are taught to be sensible, to keep our wits about us, to do the right thing and do it despite everything else. All true and very wise and yes, we do live in a dog-eat-dog world where only the fittest seem to survive but in this constant struggle to be the best we end up burying so many of our sensibilities.
For it is these little nuances of ourselves that defines each day.That one act of kindness, a cheeky prank that brings a smile, a skip in the step when no one's watching, a spontaneous hug, that eccentric shopping splurge. Alas! to lose those sensibilities. Of course we need the scientists and the doctors but what a miserable world it would be without the dreamers and the visionaries. A beautiful painting, a fascinating movie or a soul searing song, aren't they after all expressions of some one's sensibilities? someone throwing caution to the wind and nurturing a passion?
I often remember Wordsworth's profound words "we have no time to stand and stare...."
So the next time you do want to stand and stare and end up feeling guilty about it, Don't! 
Give yourself a break, grant yourself that one luxury and give an otherwise dull day a defining moment, a memory you can lock away forever. As important as our senses are to us our sensibilities set us apart and shouldn't always be given second place. Being sensible doesn't have to mean hiding away all those little quirks does it? Do it your own way and you will be none the loser for it...... 

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