Make it happen

Make it happen

Thro my eyes

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Living it up with scraped knees

Steaming mud pies in the mid noon sun,
dusty bare feet that never seemed to want to stop,
longing to reach for the sky on a swing,
hide and seek, tag, treasure island
was there anything we couldn't take on?
Feeling the wrinkles on his hand while sitting on grandpa's lap,
stories and songs from grandma,
treats from the family.
Long long summer holidays that never should have ended,
bruises and scrapes learning to ride the bike,
the magic of movies and first heroes,
starring at the stars on the terrace shaded by coconut trees.
Butterflies and stomach churns on the first day back at school,
homework and tests,
sharing with friends, knowing others exist crazier than you,
feeling the first pangs of a crush, pretending to hate them anyway,
Saturday trips to the beach,
fighting over ice cream,mullaga bhajis,samosas,chat and whatnot,
guilt free junk food never tasted better.
Cricket, teasing and punching you bro,
just talking and more talking with you sis,
Searching for love, pride and approval in your eyes mom & dad,
so many laughs, so many tears,
so many victories, so many failures,
the first bittersweet taste of life's medicines.
Living it up.... alas! at breakneck speed,
Each day a precious gem stringed together to make a whole,
oh grant me a single wish to go back for but a day.......

1 comment:

  1. I saw my childhood, I could visualise a southindian home/village. Basically I could feel it. Well, actually very well written
