Make it happen

Make it happen

Thro my eyes

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Time flies....

when stretching out on a deck chair bathed in sunlight and an ice cold drink to avenge the heat....
when flipping through the pages of a magazine - can one be bothered to read the words? probably not when the sun screams out to be seen and heard....
when floating on dead sea waters, cocooned in ethereal music and lost to the night sky above...less of the down-to-earth more such celestial please....
when tucking into a hearty lunch knowing the rest of a lazy day awaits....
when drenching in warm monsoonal downpours.....
when learning what hydrotherapy really means and wondering what took so long....
when dozing off on a heated stone bed  with the soft sounds of water trickling around....
  ....time flies alright....when doing such nothings.....

Inspired by -

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Glorious Grey?

I screamed out aloud in dismay,
when I noticed your unceremonious arrival,
none the happier,
but people tell me all the more wiser(yeah right!)
New kid on the block you may well be,
but the older you have made me,
There you are vying for attention,ivory against ebony
while I ponder your fate,
Do I uproot you?
or give you a makeover?
none of this new found wisdom seems to pass muster.
OK! OK! enough of the angst, let's call it a truce, friend....pal...buddy....
what say I leave you intact(for now anyway) in all your shining glory?
but promise me, please please not to invite more of your kind to stay!
just you and me, cosy and nice,
for the next 10 years,what say?
wipe that smirk off!
the next 5 years then?

Friday, 15 February 2013

The Stuff........

of dreams
      and the odd nightmare,
the stuff that makes the skies bluer
          and the clouds greyer,
the stuff of elixirs
     and  slow poisons,
the stuff that drives you to distraction
         but brings focus to many a lost cause,
the stuff that intoxicates
      and yet rejuvenates,
the stuff that makes you a fool
     but leaves you with wisdoms untold,
the stuff that tugs at the heart
         and yet smashes it to smithereens,
forget logic , this stuff apparently makes the world go around,
defies 20 - 20 vision,
famously addictive stuff,
notoriously deceptive stuff.......
what else? but that four letter stuff called Love.

Grey Skies by Varun

Ugly dark frail sky,
Kiss the hope,happiness and the summer goodbye,
miserably, spitting, dull rain,
forlornly, drifting, pale, puddles down the drain,
gloomily,huddling people,
lifelessly swaying sad leaves,
stiffly swaying abandoned trees,
gusting winds makes shivering knees,
the standing deserted green fence,
no cheerful faces on the cold chocolate brown bench,
dry standing trees all frail,
black birds on the dull silver rail,
sad reflections in the grim puddles,
abandoned bike rack steeped in rain,
rain pouring on the glum umbrellas,
all warmth ,sun and happiness gone.

Guest Post - by Varun Muralidharan