Make it happen

Make it happen

Thro my eyes

Sunday, 1 January 2012


Remember the fairy tales from childhood where people lived happily ever after? Could there ever be a happily ever after? And if there was wouldn't it in fact be fairly boring?  Just a thought! But on the flip side what we are guaranteed in plenty are new beginnings and that’s what every New year promises to bring – a crossroad – a chance to step back and reassess all  the things we want from the coming days hand in hand with an opportunity to set straight a few mess-ups  from the past.
The resilience of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. Have you ever bounced on a trampoline ? A truly indulgent experience. No matter how many times you fall the promise of always jumping back  unscathed is what makes it fun . On the contrary the human spirit endeavours to bounce back  even from painful experiences. All the more memorable wouldn't you say?
And each New Year promises exactly that - a glimmer of hope that things will go completely our way and we get everything we want. Yeah and the sun will start rising in the west! Pessimism galore I know! But the optimist in me says it is good to hope all our dreams come true and just resolving to make this ‘our year’  is the first step if at all to getting to where to we want to be.
What about resolutions though? Do they make sense? I have taken one too many resolutions only to see them bite the dust as early as mid January. Eat healthy, exercise more, read more, make that all important career change, more quality time with the family. But why try to set targets that only address the peripherals of what we actually want.
How about these though - just being more happier, one selfless act per week if not every day, or making each day count in some way - leanardo's dialogue of course but considering it came from him the message needs to be spread ;-)
I had a teacher once who you used to keep saying that students need to be like horses that have their eyes framed by eye blocks. The horse is blinded of all distractions other than the road. Of course this worked to a certain extent as a student but I would challenge this now. Life can hardly be lived with eye blocks on. Shutting out what we choose not to see or of no relevance to us would in the end rob us of enriching experiences. One might achieve goals with this single minded approach for sure but what about the journey that gets us there. That needs to count as well surely?
On that note let's hope the cosmos gives us the energy and good sense to see and absorb the experiences in store for us - to cherish all the good and bounce back from any pain.

Picture abhi bi bhaki hai mere let's keep our eyes open to take it all in.....

Happy New Year everyone....