Make it happen

Make it happen

Thro my eyes

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Glorious Grey?

I screamed out aloud in dismay,
when I noticed your unceremonious arrival,
none the happier,
but people tell me all the more wiser(yeah right!)
New kid on the block you may well be,
but the older you have made me,
There you are vying for attention,ivory against ebony
while I ponder your fate,
Do I uproot you?
or give you a makeover?
none of this new found wisdom seems to pass muster.
OK! OK! enough of the angst, let's call it a truce, friend....pal...buddy....
what say I leave you intact(for now anyway) in all your shining glory?
but promise me, please please not to invite more of your kind to stay!
just you and me, cosy and nice,
for the next 10 years,what say?
wipe that smirk off!
the next 5 years then?